Wendy Choo

Wendy Choo
Wendy Choo
United States
5 ft 2 in (1.57 m)
September 6, 2014
Date of Birth
January 18, 1992



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Keep your eyes wide open and your senses alert, because Wendy Choo is a Superstar you can’t afford to overlook. This slumbering sensation recently shook the foundations of NXT 2.0 with her unexpected awakening from a weeks-long nap, coming to the aid of her partners Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta in a thrilling Six-Woman Tag Team Match.

Sporting a unique style that prioritizes comfort above all else, Choo can always be spotted with her trusty pink body pillow, a symbol of relaxation and tranquility. In fact, her laid-back demeanor extends even into the ring, where she has been known to catch a few quick Z’s between exchanges with her opponents.

But don’t let her tranquil appearance fool you—Choo possesses a wide range of suplexes that can leave her adversaries reeling. From explosive throws to precise maneuvers, she is rapidly awakening the NXT Universe to her undeniable potential.

So, remember the name Wendy Choo, and don’t be caught napping when she steps into the squared circle. With her unique blend of comfort and combat, she is poised to become a force to be reckoned with in NXT.