Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal
Matt Sydal
United States
5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)
165 lb (75 kg)
October 20, 2000
Date of Birth
March 19, 1983



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Matt Sydal is a highly skilled and accomplished professional wrestler known for his contributions to the world of wrestling. Born as Matthew Joseph Korklan on March 19, 1983, he has made a name for himself through his impressive athleticism, captivating performances, and unique style.

Matt Sydal began his wrestling journey in the early 2000s, honing his skills in various independent promotions before gaining wider recognition. He has competed in notable organizations such as Ring of Honor (ROH), Impact Wrestling, and All Elite Wrestling (AEW), showcasing his talents to audiences around the world.

Known for his incredible aerial abilities and graceful agility, Matt Sydal has thrilled fans with his high-flying maneuvers and acrobatic displays. His in-ring style seamlessly combines athleticism, technical skill, and creativity, making him a standout performer in every match.

Throughout his career, Matt Sydal has captured championships and achieved notable success. He has held titles such as the ROH World Tag Team Championship, the Impact X Division Championship, and the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship. His championship reigns have solidified his status as a top-tier competitor.

In addition to his individual accomplishments, Matt Sydal has also formed successful tag team partnerships. He has teamed up with notable wrestlers such as Christopher Daniels, Ricochet, and KUSHIDA, displaying his versatility as both a singles and tag team wrestler.

Beyond his in-ring achievements, Matt Sydal is known for his spiritual outlook and mindfulness practices. He incorporates elements of yoga and meditation into his wrestling persona, emphasizing the importance of mental and spiritual well-being.

Outside of wrestling, Matt Sydal is an avid traveler and adventurer. He has explored various cultures and has a deep appreciation for different perspectives and experiences, which he often incorporates into his wrestling persona.

Matt Sydal’s unique blend of athleticism, spiritual mindset, and captivating performances have made him a respected figure in the wrestling industry. His innovative style and commitment to his craft continue to inspire aspiring wrestlers and entertain fans worldwide.

As Matt Sydal continues to evolve in his career, his impact on the wrestling world remains undeniable. His legacy as a skilled performer and positive influence within the industry will undoubtedly endure, leaving a lasting impression on both wrestlers and fans alike.