channing Lorenzo

Channing Lorenzo
channing Lorenzo
United States
Date of Birth
March 3, 1997



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Prepare to witness the unbreakable bond of loyalty and friendship as Tony D’Angelo welcomes his childhood comrade, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, into the fold of NXT. When D’Angelo needed someone he could trust to help solidify his reign over the brand, he knew exactly who to turn to.

Proving his worth by assisting “The Don” in bringing Legado del Fantasma under their wing, Lorenzo quickly earned his place as a trusted soldier in D’Angelo’s family. His dedication and unwavering loyalty to the cause did not go unnoticed, and he was soon promoted to the esteemed position of The Underboss.

“Stacks” Lorenzo is a no-nonsense enforcer, ready to do whatever it takes to protect and advance the interests of The Family. His commitment to D’Angelo’s vision is unwavering, and he brings a relentless fighting spirit to every battle he enters. Whether it’s in the ring or outside of it, Lorenzo stands by D’Angelo’s side as a symbol of unity and strength.

As a key member of The Family, Lorenzo joins forces with D’Angelo to represent their shared values and honor the traditions of their heritage. Together, they have set their sights on capturing tag team gold, determined to leave a lasting mark on NXT and establish themselves as dominant forces in the division.

The chemistry between D’Angelo and Lorenzo is undeniable, rooted in their deep-rooted friendship and shared history. Their connection goes beyond mere partnership, as they have grown up together and have a mutual understanding of one another’s strengths and weaknesses. This synergy is what makes them a formidable duo, capable of overcoming any obstacle in their path.

With Tony D’Angelo leading the charge and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo by his side, The Family is a force to be reckoned with in NXT. Their ambition knows no bounds, and they will stop at nothing to ensure that their grip on power remains unshakable. Together, they are a formidable alliance, ready to leave their mark on the NXT landscape and enforce their dominance.

Keep a close eye on Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo as they continue to navigate the treacherous waters of NXT. Their journey is filled with intrigue, intensity, and the unwavering loyalty of two individuals bound by a shared history. The NXT Universe is in for a wild ride as The Family asserts its dominance, and Lorenzo proves himself as a trusted soldier and valued member of this powerful alliance.