Robert Roode

Robert Roode
Robert Roode
6 ft 1 in (1.85 m)
235 lb (107 kg)
June 19, 1998
Date of Birth
May 11, 1976



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Robert Roode, the “Glorious One,” is one of professional wrestling’s most skilled veterans. With roots in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Roode made his WWE debut in 2016 but has been an active wrestler since the late ’90s.

Career History and Evolution

Before joining WWE, Roode spent more than a decade honing his craft in various promotions, most notably TNA (Total Nonstop Action) Wrestling. He was known for his technical wrestling and flamboyant character. Upon joining WWE and its developmental territory, NXT, Roode adopted the persona of the “Glorious One,” a confident and boastful character who always strived for glory. His transition to the main roster saw him hold the United States Championship and the Raw Tag Team Championship with Dolph Ziggler.

Biggest Matches and Titles Won

Roode’s career has been filled with memorable matches and title reigns. His crowning achievement in NXT was his NXT Championship reign, a title he won from Shinsuke Nakamura. On the main roster, his most notable victory was winning the United States Championship from Baron Corbin. As a tag team competitor, alongside Dolph Ziggler, he has held the Raw Tag Team Championships, displaying his versatility in both singles and tag team action.

Biggest Rivalries

Over the course of his WWE career, Roode has had numerous rivalries, including intense feuds with Shinsuke Nakamura, Baron Corbin, and most recently, the Street Profits as part of a tag team with Dolph Ziggler.

Tag Team Partners

Roode has seen significant success in the tag team division alongside Dolph Ziggler, known as the “Dirty Dawgs.” The pair’s chemistry and experience have made them one of WWE’s top tag teams.

Family Life

Roode is a private individual, and he has kept much of his family life away from the spotlight. He is a father to three children.

Finishing Move

The “Glorious DDT” is Roode’s signature finisher, a devastating maneuver that spells the end for many of his opponents.

Appearance and Entrance Music

Roode is known for his classy wrestling attire, often adorned with his “Glorious” catchphrase. His entrance music, aptly titled “Glorious Domination,” is an anthemic tune that perfectly encapsulates his character’s grandeur and bravado.

Career Outlook

Robert Roode’s WWE journey is a testament to his tenacity, skill, and will to reach for glory. As he continues his career, expect more “Glorious” moments from this highly accomplished superstar. With his experience, there’s no telling what heights Roode will reach next in WWE.